Ljos Valdr


Ljos Valdr (pronounced: Lee-ohss Vahld-er) is an extension and a departure from Rún Valdr. The name in Old Nors means Light Power/Authority. This system still uses symbols and you gain attunements to these symbols, but the source of the power is a different plane of existance I call Ljos Heim, or Light Home. More detail of the history will be given in the history of Ljos Valdr link below. However in short Ljos Valdr was a way to find greater power, in part, to be able to withstand or defend against the forces of the Left Hand Path. Namely infernal and necromantic energies. I wanted something more Right Hand Path. I figured there had to be a plane of existence where this energy could be found. This led to the discovery of Ljos Heim.

As a caveat, I do not advocating anyone go out and try to take on Left Hand Path practioners, especially if they know that they are doing. You will lose and, perhaps, get yourself seriously harmed or killed. But the overall goal is to gain the power level and techniques to contain/block things if the need arises. Most likely you'll never come across such an individual. Besides the Left Hand Path is kind of needed. As the saying goes: The Right Hand Path grows the garden, while the Left Hand Path prunes the garden...with demons. That said, this new energy is much more potent that that of Rún Valdr.

As a further caveat it should be noted that all this informaiton on both Ljos Valdr and Ljos Heim came from trance journey work and thus should be identified as Unverified Personal Gnosis (UPG). Don't take my word for this. Do your own experimentation. I will note what I did so others can follow, but there is a lot of specific informaiton I will keep secret. I don't want my own biases to get in the way of other's journey. Plus the wohle model of Ljos Valdr makes giving attunements repetetive and redundent. More will be explained below.

The search for this led me to cansider the existance of a plane of existance that would be the opposite of infernal or necromantic energies. From Dungions & Dragons I borrowed the concept of the Positive Material Plane. I call this specific place Ljos Heim, which means Light Home. I received a symbol called Sama from Odin.

Sama picture


This symbol not only represents the dimension of Ljos Heim, but it also sends out energy from that place. If you are attuned to Rún Valdr, attune yourself and then start using it. What I did was try to become one with Ljos Heim, with the infinite light. Once I felt this connection a new symbol came to me. I got the name and found out that it was like Sama, but better. It was a symbol direct from Ljos Heim itself. And it was more pontent that Sama.

From there I would get other symbols from Ljos Heim. This first level was fairly complete in terms of symbols matching those from Rún Valdr. Still, a lot of time was spent growing accustomed to this greater level of power. When I felt ready, I started getting symbols for the next level of power. I made a decicion that I would spend time getting a wide variety of symbols on the odd levels while trying to get past the even levels as fast as I can. Each subsequest level is more powerful and potent than the previous level.

Given that there could be thousands of levels, you see the problem of trying to attune others to Ljos Valdr. You could end up needing a new attunement every couple of weeks to a month. And many would be willing to spend a great deal of money to do so. I don't want to run a money-making scheme. So I decided to let others find their own way, using the above stated procedure.

Keep in mind that this information is all from trance journey work, so is to be considered Unverified Personal Gnosis (UPG). My hope is that with others following along on this path more concrete and firm information can be gaind.

This is a brief outline. More detail can be found in the links below.

History of Ljos Valdr

Working with Ljos Valdr

Ljos Valdr Magical System

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